Trust that most of you are cooking at home more often these days. For those who are not ...
DetailsCheese is believed to be many people’s favorite, and there are many kinds of it with diverse variations. ...
Details平台私廚Louis對西菜及葡萄酒有深切的理解,著重對葡萄酒與食材之間的相互配合,他除了推出有包含餐酒的菜單外,亦不時為客人提供配酒意見,帶來不一樣的上門廚師服務。© 最近Chef Louis接到一張頗為特別的訂單,當晚他在全城最新酒店式住宅的房間裡為客人營造浪漫的一餐。由於這次烹調讓 Louis 有十分深刻的感受,於是他決定與讀者們分享這次難忘的上門廚師服務!©
DetailsChef Flora is teaching us how to make a delicious Indonesian dessert – Dadar Gulung, which has sweet ...
DetailsChef Flora今次教大家製作特色印尼甜品:椰絲香蘭甜春卷,鬆軟的班戟包著甜甜的椰絲,十分美味!觀看以下影片一起學做吧!© 椰絲香蘭甜春卷 (六人份) 材料:© 新鮮椰絲 – 4 兩© 椰糖 – 60 克© 雞蛋 – 1 隻© 麵粉 ...
DetailsChef Flora來教大家煮餸!不少人都喜歡食海鮮,今次Flora會用上各種香料及食材炮製參巴醬,再加上印尼四寶中的臭豆和豆餅,煮一味地道印尼菜- 臭豆豆餅參巴炒大蝦,味道豐富,快快看以下影片學做吧!© 臭豆豆餅參巴炒大蝦 (四人份) 材料: 紅辣椒 – 半 磅© 臭豆 – 4 兩 黃豆餅 – 1 包 ...
DetailsIt’s Chef Flora’s cooking time again! As many people love seafood, this time, Flora is using different spices ...
Details今次 Chef Petty 跟我們分享了福建點心「黃金椰香芋棗」的食譜,口感鬆脆可口。立即看看以下影片,學習如何自家製作吧!您也可以在MobiChef預訂Petty的上門廚師服務,享用更多精選美食呢!© 黃金椰香芋棗 (4-6人份) 材料: 芋頭 – 400 g© 糯米粉 – 150 g 椰奶 – 50 ...
DetailsThis time, Chef Petty shares her recipe of a Fujian pastry – Deep-fried Sweet Coconut Taro Balls. Click ...
Details歡迎Chef Petty加入MobiChef!除了廣泛的亞洲菜式外,來自福建家庭的 Petty 擅長烹調家鄉菜,今次我們就一於跟Petty 學煮地道的香煎蠔餅吧。當然,您也可以在MobiChef預訂Petty的上門廚師服務,安在家中品嘗美味菜式!© 香煎蠔餅 (四至六人份) 材料: 蠔仔 – 400 g 豬肉粒 – 80 g© 福建魚片 – ...
DetailsThe MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.