Personal chef service is very popular in recent years. People often invite a chef to their home to ...
Details私人廚師服務在外國很流行, 很多人都會常常請廚師到家中提供烹調服務。 而在香港, 亦一直有一些私人廚師上門煮, 但廚師數量不多, 大多是做熟客生意, 所以有很少數人認識這種服務。 MobiChef 是香港第一個私人廚師平台, 至今聚集了五十多個來自不同國家的私人廚師, 提供約二十個菜式選擇, 包括中西意法日韓星馬泰印菜, 讓私人廚師服務變得多元化、 普及化。 現在已經越來越多人認識及愛上私人廚師服務了, 你還對預約廚師上門有很多疑問? 趕快了解這個服務, 跟上潮流吧! ...
Details每逢家庭聚餐、 朋友聚會、 生日節日 …… 要宴請親友客人的日子, 我們總是糾結著 「食乜好 ?」 間中出街食, 但食得多開始厭, 遇正週末街上人多又逼又要排隊, 有時也喜歡留在家中, 舒舒服服。 怕麻煩的朋友會選擇叫外賣, 幸好現在有更多送餐選擇, 只不過經過運送過程後, 再美味的食物難免變得失色。 最後只有自己下廚, ...
DetailsHosting FIFA World Cup Party at Home? Explore more dining options with personal chef service 約朋友睇世界盃,唯有叫外賣 ? 今年食好一點點,預約私廚上門煮 ...
DetailsTheresa taught the students a Malaysian style curry chicken in the city’super cooking class earlier, which is Theresa’s ...
Details早前 Theresa 在 city’super cooking class 上教同學做這一款馬拉風味咖哩雞, 是 Theresa 的招牌菜啊! 大家也可以在家中嘗試照著食譜做, 或者報名上 Theresa 的烹飪課跟她學習一些秘技! 材料: 全雞 1 隻 大薯仔 ...
DetailsIn the last city’super cooking class, Marco taught the participants to make this pan seared cod fillet with ...
Details早前 Marco 在 city’super cooking class 上教同學做這一款香煎鱈魚配白酒蕃茄香草汁, 香口又健康, 你也想學做嗎? 以下是 Marco 提供的食譜,大家可以嘗試照著做, 不過想學 Marco 教大家的一些烹調技巧和經驗, 就要報名上 Marco 的烹飪課向他請教了! ...
Details剛剛過去的周末有朋友來到我家作客,大家來到時已用過午飯,於是我隨便拿出Chef Leo早前寫給我的一個前菜食譜,做了一個涼拌小食,十分適合夏天享用。早上處理好雞腳筋,朋友來到只需要 10分鐘就做好,十分簡單!她們吃過後都紛紛問我拿食譜呢,於是今天就在這裡都給大家分享下: 材料(2-3人份量): 雞腳20隻 牛油果 1個 車厘茄 10粒 薄荷葉 少量 即食杞子 適量 松子 適量 乳酪 4湯匙 鹽 ...
DetailsAs an online platform for personal chef services, MobiChef acquires chefs who are professionally trained and most of ...
DetailsThe MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.