有一位很特別的廚師, 跟他聊天, 要不就不要講菜蔬, 要不就讓他說個夠, 因為他有說之不盡的田裡事跟你分享, 他就是平台上的農夫廚師 Chef Andy 。 Chef Andy 是一位職業廚師, 平日工作很忙, 工餘時間他其實可以好好休息, 但他選擇了透過 MobiChef 開始兼任上門廚師, 就為一個很簡單的理念 : Farm ...
DetailsDo you have friends going vegetarian in recent years? While many people think a vegetarian diet is bland, there ...
Details素食越趨流行, 我身邊亦越來越多朋友茹素, 除信仰外, 亦有認為素食是一種現代生活態度。 其實素食絕對不一定食得「寡」! 素食的材料配搭有很多, 然而設計素食菜單往往需要更多的心思。 MobiChef 上不少的廚師都有提供素食之選, 包括中 西 日﹑ 地中海﹑ 印尼風味, 如果下次在家宴客有素食的朋友, 不妨考慮一下這些菜單! 查看所有素食菜單 精選素食菜單 ...
DetailsThe MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.