大家上一次為父母煮飯是什麼時候? 月前,香港紅十字會瑪嘉烈戴麟趾學校為30名高中學生舉辦「成長禮」,作為他們準備踏入成人階段的一個里程碑。這間學校的學生都不是普通的小朋友,他們各自有不同的身體障礙,以致未能跟普通孩子般學習、生活。可想像到作為父母,照顧孩子也加倍耐心,一刻也不能放鬆。負責今次成長禮的其中一位老師譚老師告訴我們:「在構思今年成長禮活動時,我問同學們想用什麼方式答謝父母呢?他們說很希望可以給爸爸媽媽煮一餐飯。」就是這樣,有了後來 MobiChef 首次出動一班「上門廚師」來到校園跟學生們一起下廚,給父母們一個驚喜的下午茶餐。
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DetailsThe MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.