早前跟 MobiChef 的私人廚師 Leslie 去逛街市, 本想了解一下他平時採購的食材, 自己順道偷師 「學買餸」。 行過水果店, 見到西瓜當造, 加上天氣悶熱得很, 二話不說買了半個。 當下問 Leslie 拿了個簡易的西瓜沙律食譜, 做了這個 。 無論賣相還是味道都令人有立時消暑的感覺, 不枉我山長水遠捧住半個西瓜回家! ...
Details因為工作關係,認識了今年舉辦「餐桌里程:料理‧好‧空氣」活動策劃機構 Go.Asia 及健康空氣行動,該活動嚮應 Jamie Oliver 年度 Food Revolution #為食起革命 而設,推廣本地食材,從以減低在食材運送的過程中產生的污染。了解過後,發現香港95%都是進口食材,平的有巴西雞、美國肥牛;貴價的有黑毛豬、和牛及各類海鮮等。 為表支持,上個月跟平台上的幾位廚師研究出一些使用本地食材的菜單,希望藉此讓 MobiChef 的客人有更多機會認識本地食材,在享用新鮮美食的同時了解可謂餐桌里程。舉例中廚葉師傅的「低碳健康菜單」,用上新界蜜豆、有機蕃茄、涼瓜等蔬菜設計了素食的菜單,環保之餘健康,一舉兩得。 喜歡西餐的又可以選擇 Leslie 的六道菜特選餐單,每道菜都有兩個選擇,一檯朋友聚餐可各自選擇自己的配搭,十分彈性。他特意選用本地溫室青瓜及水耕菜做成沙律,是我個人最喜歡的清新之選。 在研究菜單的過程,都離不開做功課,找一下本地食材購買的地方。除了到街市外,今時今日還可網購食材直送家中,例如近年出現的 ...
DetailsThe MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.