Trust that most of you are cooking at home more often these days. For those who are not used to be your own home chef, our Operation manager, Gary, has gathered some tips on home cooking. Hope they are useful to you!©
Before we start, take off accessories like rings and wash your hands thoroughly. Tie up your hair if it is too long. 開始煮食前,除下戒指等手部配飾,並徹底清潔雙手。長頭髮則把頭髮紮起。
Wear an apron to avoid splattering on clothes. 穿上圍裙,避免弄髒衣物。
Wear water-proof band-aid if there is any wounds on your hands to avoid infection. 如有傷口,需貼上防水膠布避免感染。
lean the ingredients with water before further process. 所有食材可先用清水清洗乾淨再作處理。
Prepare the raw and cooked ingredients with different chopping boards and knifes. 處理生熟食材需要分開砧板及刀具處理,切忌使用相同用具。
Processed food should be placed separately with raw ingredients to avoid contamination. 處理好的生熟食材應分開不同地方擺放,避免交叉感染。
After using chopping boards and knifes, clean them on time. 在處理好食材後,用過的砧板和刀具應盡快清洗乾淨。
Store the perishable ingredients (e.g: meat, milk…etc) in the fridge when you are not using them. 如非即時烹調,請先把一些易變質的食材 (如肉類、鮮奶等) 存放在冰箱內待用。
We should make sure the food is thoroughly cooked and that is the first priority, unless the ingredients can be eaten raw. 烹調時,除可生食的食材外,應徹底煮熟食物。
In order to check whether the food is cooked, you can use thermometer. (center temperature reaches 75°C for at least 30s). 想確認食材熟度,可用溫度計量度 (中心溫度達到75度或以上至少30秒)。
Use spoon to taste the food and do not repeatedly use the same one to taste. 為避免用手直接接觸熟食,試味應使用湯匙,而湯匙不可重覆使用。
Use cleaned plates for serving. Do not use the same plates for uncooked ingredients. 煮好的菜式要用乾淨的器皿盛載,請勿重覆使用曾盛載未煮食材的器皿。
After dining, the remaining food should be wrapped and stored in the fridge. Raw ingredients should be stored in lower level while cooked food upper. 用餐後,把剩餘的菜式或食材用保鮮紙包好再存放於冰箱內,生的食物放下層,熟的食物放上層。
Kitchen counter, dishes and utensils should be cleaned on time to avoid bacterial growth. 及時清理好廚房工作台及清洗碗碟用具,避免細菌滋生。
Dry out the cleaned dishes, and placed them into closed cabinet. 洗好的碗碟在風乾或用清潔碗布抹乾後,存放於防塵防蟲的碗櫃內。
If the dishes or utensils are cracked, please do not use and throw away. 如食具出現崩裂情況,應棄掉不用。
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The MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.