[Chef’s Recipes] SALAD MIMOZA 煙三文魚黃金層層疊 by Chef Alex

SALAD MIMOZA – Serving for 4:
4 medium             Gold potatoes
4                              Carrots
8                              Eggs, hard-boiled
320 g                      Smoked Salmon
4 tbsp                     Salmon Roe
2 cups                     mayonnaise
Salt, to taste


1. Place the carrots and potatoes in a pot, cover with water so that it barely covers the vegetables. Season with salt.
2. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for 25-35 minutes.
3. Drain the water from the vegetables and cool them.
4. When they are cool enough to handle, peel them and chop into smaller pieces.
5. Hard boil the eggs. Peel the eggs and cut them in half to separate the egg whites from the egg yolks.
6. Cut Smoked Salmon by hand into the small cube. Mix the Salmon with about 1/4 cup of mayonnaise and dill.
7. Assemble the salad: On a plate or in a glass, assemble the salad one layer at a time, and make 2 smaller salads, about 6 cm in diameter each.
8. Drizzling the mayo on top is much easier than spreading it on with a spoon. It also helps to keep the texture of the salad light and fluffy, instead of dense and compact.
9. For the last layer, finely grate the egg whites (3-4) only and drizzle with the same amount of mayo. This time, spread out the mayo with a spoon evenly on top of the egg whites.
10. Mash up the egg yolks with a fork in a small bowl, or press them through a fine mesh sieve. Sprinkle on top of the salad. I garnished the salad with salmon Roe.

煙三文魚黃金層層疊 – 4 人份量

中型美國黃金薯 4 只
甘荀 4 條
雞蛋(煮熟) 8 只
煙三文魚 320 克
三文魚子 4 湯匙
蛋黃醬 2 杯
鹽 適量


1. 先將甘荀去皮,連同黃金薯洗淨, 再放到煲內加水(水量要完全蓋過蔬菜面), 再加適量鹽作調味.
2. 煮滾後, 關小火繼續煨煮約25 – 35分鐘.
3. 將蔬菜取出並瀝乾 , 放涼.
4. 蔬菜放涼至可以直接剝皮, 再切成細顆粒, 並與1/4杯蛋黃醬拌勻.
5. 將雞蛋放入滾水徹底煮熟(約10 – 15分鐘),剝殼後對半切開, 挑出蛋黃備用,蛋白切碎備用.
6. 將煙三文魚手切成細顆粒, 並與1/4杯蛋黃醬拌勻.
7. 開始組合層層疊沙律: 選用平碟或玻璃杯, 先放蔬菜沙律在底, 每份直徑約6厘米.
8. 放上已拌勻的煙三文魚.
9. 再加上蛋黃醬(如用調味擠壺協助加蛋黃醬會比用湯匙更為方便,更加平均, 從而影響口感,擠壺造的比較鬆軟).
10. 重覆7 , 8 , 9的步驟, 在器皿上造出兩層高的沙律.
11. 最後這一層可以放上3 – 4只蛋白碎加上同等份量的蛋黃醬(這一層的蛋黃醬可以用湯匙加上並輕壓使下層更結實.
12. 最後用叉把蛋黃壓碎(或可用鐵絲隔篩), 灑在層屠疊上, 並加一點三文魚子作裝飾.

About Chef Alexander Prus

Chef Alexander Prus, currently one of the personal chefs on home chef platform MobiChef, has comprehensive culinary experience in authentic, traditional Russian, Georgian and French cuisine. Before he started working in Hong Kong in 2001, he was sous chef and pastry chef at several restaurants in Moscow and Krasnodar, Russia. During his years in Hong Kong, Chef Alex has worked in fine-dining Russian restaurants. More about Alexander and the menus he does for you here:

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關於 Chef Alexander Prus

俄藉廚師Alexander Prus 擅長傳統貴族俄國菜、格魯吉爾菜及法國菜,他不但擁有豐富入廚經驗,對熟悉餐飲管理、新設餐廳運作。他於2001年來港發展,多年來在不少知名餐廳擔任廚房管理要職,如俄羅斯菜餐廳Troika、Balalaika、法國菜餐廳Chez Patrick、Darcy & Liz及中環Tapas IQ Bar & Restaurant。在Chez Patrick任行政總廚時,更帶領團隊開設灣仔French Bistro Chez Patrick Deli餐廳。來港前,他亦在俄羅斯多間餐廳烹調。了解更多Alex的菜單:

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MobiChef Alex
