煙三文魚黃金層層疊 – 4 人份量
中型美國黃金薯 4 只
甘荀 4 條
雞蛋(煮熟) 8 只
煙三文魚 320 克
三文魚子 4 湯匙
蛋黃醬 2 杯
鹽 適量
1. 先將甘荀去皮,連同黃金薯洗淨, 再放到煲內加水(水量要完全蓋過蔬菜面), 再加適量鹽作調味.
2. 煮滾後, 關小火繼續煨煮約25 – 35分鐘.
3. 將蔬菜取出並瀝乾 , 放涼.
4. 蔬菜放涼至可以直接剝皮, 再切成細顆粒, 並與1/4杯蛋黃醬拌勻.
5. 將雞蛋放入滾水徹底煮熟(約10 – 15分鐘),剝殼後對半切開, 挑出蛋黃備用,蛋白切碎備用.
6. 將煙三文魚手切成細顆粒, 並與1/4杯蛋黃醬拌勻.
7. 開始組合層層疊沙律: 選用平碟或玻璃杯, 先放蔬菜沙律在底, 每份直徑約6厘米.
8. 放上已拌勻的煙三文魚.
9. 再加上蛋黃醬(如用調味擠壺協助加蛋黃醬會比用湯匙更為方便,更加平均, 從而影響口感,擠壺造的比較鬆軟).
10. 重覆7 , 8 , 9的步驟, 在器皿上造出兩層高的沙律.
11. 最後這一層可以放上3 – 4只蛋白碎加上同等份量的蛋黃醬(這一層的蛋黃醬可以用湯匙加上並輕壓使下層更結實.
12. 最後用叉把蛋黃壓碎(或可用鐵絲隔篩), 灑在層屠疊上, 並加一點三文魚子作裝飾.
關於 Chef Alexander Prus
俄藉廚師Alexander Prus 擅長傳統貴族俄國菜、格魯吉爾菜及法國菜,他不但擁有豐富入廚經驗,對熟悉餐飲管理、新設餐廳運作。他於2001年來港發展,多年來在不少知名餐廳擔任廚房管理要職,如俄羅斯菜餐廳Troika、Balalaika、法國菜餐廳Chez Patrick、Darcy & Liz及中環Tapas IQ Bar & Restaurant。在Chez Patrick任行政總廚時,更帶領團隊開設灣仔French Bistro Chez Patrick Deli餐廳。來港前,他亦在俄羅斯多間餐廳烹調。了解更多Alex的菜單:
The MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.