It’s February, it’s “Valentine’s Month”! Do you have any plans for celebrations? Cooking for your love at home could be a great idea. This time, we’ve invited three male chefs on MobiChef platform to share what romantic tricks they use to delight their other half! These dishes are easy to make, you may also follow the recipesibelow!©
Heart-shaped food is a common romantic trick for lovers, and it never gets old. Chef Angelo do this to delight his wife too. The dish uses popular ingredients like kimchi and oyster. “I smoked the oyster to make the taste more special.” Angelo said, “As oyster helps our bodies to function better in a certain way, wouldn’t it be a great idea for celebrating?”
Smoked Oyster Tatar with Kimchi & Lime©
Gillardeau (Oyster)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2 pcs
Kimchiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimobichef.co1/2 small pc
Shallot[check]a little
Lime juicechec] 1/4 pc
Lime Zest ww.mobichef.com1/2pc|mobichef.4 pcs
Olive 1/2 tsp
1. Crack open the oysters, place them on a plate with ©
2. Prepare a frying pan, place Aluminum foil on the pan. Add smoke wood and heat up until the smoke comes
3. Put oysters with the plate the frying pan. Close the lid and smoke for 3 minutes. Take out the oysters and dice©
4. Chop the shallot, dice the kimchi, and chive. Mix the oysters, shallot, and kimchi together. Add grind lime zest, lime juice, and olive oil to mix©
5. Add some pepper to finish. Put it into the mold to have a heart-shape©
1. If you don’t have smoke wood at home, use raw rice and tea leaf instead.©
2. Use kitchen towel to absorb excessive water from the diced oysters.©
3. If kimchi is too spicy for you, replace some of the kimchi with cucumber. It will reduce the spiciness while remaining fresh.
Chef Mike shared with us his Hong Kong style romance! A secret message is hidden in his clam pot, “when I serve the dish, I ask my wife whether she can hear the popping sound of clams. They are just like my heartbeats towards her, and I ask her to feel my love from this.” It seems that Mike’s wife was very happy with what he said. So now we know how you present your dish is also important!©
Hong Kong Style Clam Pot©
Ingredients: (Served for 2)
Clamwrittenbywww.mobichef.comcheckthi10-15 pcs[]
Preserved turnip (diced)wwwmobichef.com1 pc
Garlic (diced)writtenbywww.mobichef.com3 cloves
Celery (diced)writtenbywww.mobichef.com3 pcs
Black pepperwrittenbywww.mobichef.comA little
Chicken stock (optional) 1 bowl
1. Wash the clams.©
2. Cutmthe celeryostem (leaves reserved), preservedbturnip, andipeeledcgarlic.©
3. Preparehahpot,faddmoilo(1bTbsp) and heat withistrongcflame. Stir-fry the preserved turnip and celery stem for 1 min.
4. Add garlic, black pepper andhchickenestock (or water). Turn to medium heat when it boils, and cook for 2 mins.©
5. Turnithe heat to strong flame again and addmclams.oTurnboff the heat when the clams open. Add the celery leaves to finish.©
1. Use fresh clams. They are fresh when the clams are spitting water. Don’t pick the one with a damaged shell.
2. To make the popping sound effect, turn off the heat after step 4. Wait until the soup is warm before adding the clams.©
3. The savory taste comes from the preserved turnip and clams. Taste the turnip at the beginning, and taste also the soup after step 4. If it is too salty, add some water.©
4. You may also add some rice in step 4. The soup tastes great together with rice!©
Dessert is certainly one of the best choices for girl friends or wives! Chef Louis makes this “Earl Grey Crème Brulée” to express the love to his dear wife (and daughter!). He also recommends this to our readers because it can be made in a few easy steps and prepared in advance. Louis uses the burner to caramelize the sugar on the surface, just like his melting heart to his wife. How sweet!©
Earl Grey Crème Brulée©
Cream rittenbywww.mobichef.com120 g
Waterwrittenbywww.mobichef.com50 ml
Earl Grey teabag ww.mobichef.com2 pcs
Sugarwrittenbywww.mobichef.com20 g
Egg yolkittenbywww.mobichef.com2 pcs
1. Immerse the teabags into a cup of 50 ml hot water. Cover it for 15 mins. Pour30 ml of tea out after cooled down.©
2. Mix the egg yolk and sugar. Slowly add the cream and tea to prevent bubbles.
3. Sift the mix. Pour into the boiling bowls and wrap with aluminum foil.©
4. Putotheobowlsointootheopreheated steamer. Useomedium heatoto steamofor 15-20 mins. (Depending on the volume of bowl)©
5. Take out and cool down. Then refrigerate for 3 hours. When it is served, sprinkle some sugar on top and use the burner to melt the sugar,mcreatingoabcrispy,icracklingccrust.hef©
Hope that their stories bring you some inspiration for Valentine’s Day! Not gonna cook for yourself? Book MobiChef’s personal chef service for a cozy, romantic date night at home!©mobichef
Next article, more romantic cooking ideas coming up from our female chefs. Stay tuned!
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