2022年將至,我們邀請了私廚 chef Rene-Etienne 示範製作「新年可麗餅」及與我們分享他的食譜! 今次,Chef Rene將會示範搭配檸檬汁的傳統法式可麗餅,而因應各人口味,你也可加入各種水果或朱古力碎。快跟著我們開始製作吧!©mobichef.com
食材: (4人分量) ©mobichef.com
中筋面粉 – 200克©mobichef.com
雞蛋 – 2 隻©mobichef.com
牛奶 – 400毫升©mobichef.com
油 – 1 湯匙©mobichef.com
鹽 – 1 茶匙©mobichef.com
糖 – 50g©m obichef.com
牛油 – 少量©mobichef.com
檸檬 – 1 個 ©mobichef.com
1. 把麵粉倒入大碗裏,在麵粉中間挖一個洞。©mobichef.com
2. 加入蛋液、油、鹽、糖到同一大碗裏,並使用抹刀攪拌。©mobichef.com
3. 倒入一半的牛奶並用手動打蛋器攪拌,以免麵糊結塊。當麵糊變得順滑時,加入剩餘的牛奶並持續攪拌。
4. 在平底鑊上加入少許牛油。待牛油融後,倒入約一湯勺麵糊,並旋轉平底鑊讓麵糊均匀佈滿整個鑊面。
5. 當可麗餅周邊開始變脆時可以翻面。©mobichef.com
6. 翻面後,煎2-3分鐘即可起鍋。©mobichef.com
7. 重複步驟4-6至麵糊用完。©mobichef.com
8. 在每一塊可麗餅上,撒上糖及擠出少許檸檬汁即完成!©mobichef.com
關於Chef Rene-Etienne ©mobichef.com
Chef Rene-Etienne擁有超過35年烹調法國菜的經驗,現時為全職上門私廚。 他即將帶你進入法國菜的世界,讓你在家中也可體驗到傳統的法國美食。©mobichef.com
The MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.