酸辣藜麥虎蝦帶子沙拉配雲吞薄脆 (二人份)
到會廚師平台 MobiChef 支持 香港公平貿易聯盟 Fair Trade Hong Kong 【#童享藜麥】,分別有由 Chef Marc、Chef Flora、Chef Theresa 3位上門私房菜廚師以秘魯公平貿易藜麥設計美味藜麥菜式。今日我們先學整Chef Marc 的 Fusion 藜麥菜式!
三色藜麥 40g
虎蝦(4隻) 300g
帶子(4隻) 300ml
唐生菜 100g
紅洋蔥 20g
雲吞皮 4片
切碎的泰國紅辣椒 10g
切碎的香葉 40g
蒜末 5g
辣椒粉 一小勺
白胡椒粉 一小勺
糖 一小勺
鹽 一小勺
白醋 一茶匙
沙律油 三湯匙
檸檬汁 一個
1. 將三色藜麥先用冷水沖洗約30秒鐘, 用1份三色藜麥配2份水在鍋中加熱煮15-18分鐘,直至煮熟並放在一邊放涼備用
2. 虎蝦和帶子用鹽和胡椒調味,放在一個平底鍋上,每邊大火煎1.5分鐘。將它們從鍋中取出放在一邊。當它們冷卻下來,剝開蝦殼,並將帶子切成小塊
3. 薄切紅洋蔥,並將唐生菜切細條(寬約1.5厘米)備用
4. 將雲吞皮在160度熱油中炸20秒或直到金黃色
5. 在碗中,將酸辣檸檬醬汁與主要食材拌合均勻
6. 將拌好的酸辣藜麥虎蝦帶子沙拉和炸好的雲吞皮一起上碟
7. 放一大匙的酸辣藜麥沙拉放在雲吞薄脆上一同食用將更加美味!
香港公平貿易聯盟 Fair Trade Hong Kong 引述指出基層小朋友不僅每日只得$34購買整天食物,因此基層家庭多進食廉價食物,容易造成兒童肥胖。
Please support Fair Quinoa for Children campaign launched by Fair Trade Hong Kong! Apart from improving the diet of these children, this campagin also gives a fair return to South-American farmers
From now until Nov 8, for each packet of Fair Trade Organic Quinoa from Peru sold at any of their distributors below, an equal amount of Fair Trade Organic Quinoa will be donated to HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre Group & Community Work Unit and People’s Food Bank By St. James Settlement, and given out children from low-income families.
Distributors 銷售點:
AEON Stores Hong Kong
Asia Miles 亞洲萬里通
The Club
Yahoo 購物
士多 Ztore
The MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.