朱古力溶岩蛋糕 – 4人份量©mobichef.com
黑朱古力(82%) 160g
牛油 160g
幼砂糖 80g
雞蛋 4隻
小麥麵粉 50g
雪糕 適量
糖粉 適量
1. 將朱古力及牛油拌好,再用中火煮,將其攪拌拌勻©mobichef.com
2. 用另一隻碗打發雞蛋及幼砂糖,加入麵粉繼續打發,直到粉漿變得幼滑沒有顆粒。©mobichef.com
3. 將粉加入正暖著的朱古力漿拌勻。©mobichef.com
4. 在蛋糕模內部掃上半溶牛油mobichef.com
5. 將剛才拌好的粉漿倒入模具中,放到焗爐以180℃焗10-12分鐘。
6. 把蛋糕從模具拿出放到碟上,再上面灑上糖粉,旁邊配上雪糕享用。©mobichef.com
關於Chef Giuseppe
MobiChef 平台私人廚師Giuseppe擁有十多年的國際入廚經驗,擅長經典意大利菜、創新的地中海菜、海鮮、野味及肉類菜式。
他除了畢業於法律系,亦擁有意大利廚藝學院Boscolo Etoile Academy的「Maestria di 1 Livello」學位。 2007年,他在遊艇公司擔任主廚,開始了廚師工作的生涯,及後陸續在西西里和莫斯科不同的餐廳擔任主廚。他除了是一位廚師外,還是烹飪導師,他亦有新餐廳諮詢的豐富經驗。
Giuseppe是2016年俄羅斯電視「Master Chef Junior」的評判,這經驗令他的視野更國際化。
MobiChef 平台上的廚師現定期於 city’super 生活藝會作客席導師,教授不同的烹飪班。到我們的Facebook活動頁面,查看最新烹飪班詳情!網址:https://bit.ly/mobichefevents
The MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.