踏入十二月,聖誕節氣氛愈趨濃厚,剛過去的幾天已不斷見到MobiChef平台上私廚們收到大大小小的家宴訂單。有不少朋友都提早慶祝聚餐,就在剛過去的星期,Giuseppe 已經炮製了五道菜的意式聖誕大餐,還自己焗了薑餅人送給座上客。當晚有個小女孩好喜歡薑餅,於是廚師分享了食譜給她的媽媽,媽媽收到後還滿有信心可以跟小朋友一同做呢!©mobichef.com
麵糰材料 蛋黃 2隻 蛋白 1隻 花蜜 30g 紅糖 50g 白砂糖 150g 蘇打粉 ½茶匙 檸檬汁 3ml 面粉 350g 肉桂粉 ½茶匙 乾薑粉 ½茶匙 牛油 160g |
裝飾糖霜材料 蛋白 1隻 糖粉 200g 檸檬汁 3ml 食用色素 (各色) 2滴 |
1) 麵粉過篩落碗,加入薑粉及肉桂粉拌勻。©mobichef.com
2) 牛油放置室溫至稍軟,加到碗裡,用手揉捏牛油與麵粉拌勻備用。
3) 先分開蛋白與蛋黃,取出2隻蛋黃及1隻蛋白,將蜜糖倒入蛋液中。
4) 加入白砂糖和紅糖,小心地攪勻。
5) 把蘇打粉溶至檸檬汁裡,加到剛才混好的蛋液中。
6) 取出備用的麵粉,放置到新的碗中,再加入混好的蛋液,用電動攪拌器以中速攪拌,直到麵糰變得光滑。©mobichef.com
7) 完成後,把麵糰用保鮮紙包好,放到雪櫃冷藏發酵約30分鐘。
8) 預備裝飾糖霜。在剛才剩下的1隻蛋白中加幾滴檸檬汁,打發至鬆軟。
9) 倒進糖粉,繼續用中速打發大約5分鐘左右。©mobichef.com
10) 把打發好的糖霜分開幾份加入各種顏色的可食用色素,再把糖霜放到喞袋中。(同時把一些糖霜保留不加色素,用作白色糖霜)
11) 把雪藏好的麵糰拿出,在麵糰上下鋪設牛油紙。©mobichef.com
13) 用模具壓出薑餅或其他自己喜歡的形狀。
這樣就可以消磨半天,真的是聖誕節最好的親子活動呢!如果不想動手做,又對 Giuseppe 的上門私房宴有興趣,歡迎大家到:https://bit.ly/mobichefgiuseppe 讓他帶來一些自家製薑餅吧!
The MobiChef experience is an alternative to dining out. We connect personal chefs to diners (Gourmets) looking for an exceptional, quality dining experience at home. You can now host a private occasion at home without going back and forth between the kitchen and living room. As a MobiChef Gourmet you can meet the chefs and better appreciate their talent. And MobiChef service is easy and affordable too – you will pay about the same as a typical restaurant bill. The MobiChef community also enables a personal chef to develop their own catering business without a big outlay, and get closer to the people who love their cooking. Ultimately MobiChef is all about sharing. With MobiChef we can join together and experience a world of fine cuisine in the most comfortable place of all – at home.